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Volunteer at Roskilde Festival 2023

Time: Saturday, June 24, 2023 - Saturday, July 1, 2023

Roskilde Festival


We’re doing it again! Now, you can save your seat as a volunteer at Roskilde Festival 2023 with Studenterhus Aarhus. Reiterating the success of 2022, we have decided to send our amazing volunteers to Roskilde Festival 2023, this time returning with friendships, experience and great memories.


Whether or not you volunteered 2022, you can volunteer with us. If you want to volunteer, you have to pay the deposit. You will receive the deposit in full when the festival is over. When you have paid the deposit, you have secured yourself a spot as a volunteer with Studenterhus Aarhus, and you will begin receiving information about the festival, departures, shifts, and much more, as soon the information is available.


As a volunteer at Roskilde Festival with Studenterhus Aarhus, you get:

  • Full festival ticket to Roskilde Festival 2023 (worth 2400 DKK)
  • Free transportation between Aarhus and Roskilde
  • Four free meal vouchers
  • Free coffee, tea, lemonade, and a light meal during your shifts
  • Optional volunteer camping (see more info below)
  • The possibility of choosing your own shift packages (optionally with your friends)
  • Free beer or soda after your shift
  • Access to the volunteer area Volunteer Village, where there is live music, DJs, a nice and cheap bar, quiet areas for relaxation, and free coffee, tea and lemonade. Here, you can do your morning yoga, get a massage, a hot shower, and much much more.
  • Exclusive access to Studenterhus Aarhus' Volunteer Lounge, where you'll find 'hygge', games and cold drinks.


We demand that you:

  • Are at least 18 years old
  • Are service minded, happy, and smiling
  • Are sober during your shifts
  • Pay a deposit, which will be paid back in full after the festival
  • Read the document named “Conditions for volunteer work”


What Will I Do?

We will yet again be hosting the camping area Get a Place, where the guests pay in advance to reserve a spot measuring 100m2. As a volunteer, you will have 4 x 8-hour shifts for the duration of the festival – two shifts during the warmup period, and two shifts while the music is playing. You have the option to prioritize your shift-package.


The role as hosts consists of:

  • Access control to the area
  • Supervision of the camping area, in order to make sure that everyone acts within the rules
  • Keeping the area tidy and helping out with clean-up
  • Helping guests and answering questions
  • Act as fire guards as well as guarding fences and entrances
  • Supervision of toilet areas, including small cleaning duties
  • Opening and closing the camping area
  • … and of course, spreading the great Studenterhus Aarhus karma and vibe to colleagues and guests!


DKK 300,00