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Strengthening Athlete Power in Sport

Tidspunkt: torsdag d. 28. september 2023 kl. 09:30 - torsdag d. 28. september 2023 kl. 16:30

Strengthening Athlete Power in Sport

How can athletes get a lasting influence on the decisions that affect their sport, their daily lives, and their careers?

This is the core question to be discussed between athlete representatives and other key stakeholders at the conference 'Strengthening Athlete Power in Sport' on Thursday 28 September in Leuven, Belgium, during the European Week of Sport.

The conference is co-hosted by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Ethics and Regulation in Sport (ICERiS) at KU Leuven, and takes place at the Faculty Club, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Backed by the EU Erasmus+ programme, the 'Strengthening Athlete Power in Sport' project (SAPIS) has united athlete groups and academics to analyse how to strengthen the influence and representation of athletes in sports governing bodies.

We invite you to join the debate on some of the key questions regarding athlete representation, among others:

  • How can sports organisations best cooperate with athlete committees, athlete associations, and advocacy groups?
  • What does democracy mean in practice for athlete representatives?
  • Should lawmakers in Europe be more active in supporting athlete representation?
  • What is the relation between human rights and athlete rights?
  • How can different types of athlete groups best work together?
  • Which trends will decide the future of athlete representation?

The programme runs from 9.30-16.30. See the programme here

Read more about the conference here

Read more about the SAPIS project here


Date & time

Thursday 28 September 2023 from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm 


Faculty Club, Willem Van Croy room, Groot Begijnhof 14, 3000 Leuven, Belgium


The first 50 registrations are free. The following registrations cost 70 euro covering:

  • Coffee breaks and lunch
  • All programme activities
  • Print versions of the SAPIS Good Practice Guide and the final report

Networking dinner, 7-9.30 pm

After the conference we invite you to join a networking dinner at Timory in Leuven, Brusselsestraat 76 3000 Leuven – price 65 euro for a two course meal and two glasses og wine/beer (40 seats: first come - first served). The dinner must be paid together with the registration for the conference.


Register here 24 September 2023 at the latest.


For programme related questions please contact international director, Jens Sejer Andersen, jens@playthegame.org or mobile phone: +45 20 71 07 01

For questions related to the registration please contact conference manager Maria Suurballe, maria@playthgeame.org or mobile phone: +45 20 20 68 38

Privacy policy
In our privacy policy, you can find information about what personal data the Danish Institute for Sports Studies collects, how we use them as well as what your rights are concerning how we manage personal data.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Leuven.



EUR 70,00