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Climate Board Games & Pizza Night

Tidspunkt: onsdag den 23. marts 2022 kl. 16.00 - onsdag den 23. marts 2022 kl. 19.00

Join us for a round of climate board games and pizza!


Bring your friends to Studenterhus Aarhus for a nice round of board games and ‘hygge’ in the name of sustainability. Aarhus Brætspilscafé (Aarhus Board Game Café) has sponsored some climate related board games which we’ll play during the evening.


We’ll also get some organic, vegetarian/vegan pizza - courtesy of Klimatorium in Lemvig!


Sign up here - it’s completely free, but we need to know how many pizzas to get!



16.00-16.05: Welcome

16.05-18.00: Board Game playing

18.00-19.00: Pizza party


This event is presented by Klimatorium, Denmark's international climate centre, and is a part of the climate festival Future Days.
Future Days is hosted in collaboration between Klimatorium and Studenterhus Aarhus. The festival consists of a diversity of events full of inspiration on how to create solutions to the climate challenges we face today. Go to futuredays.dk to find all the full programme!


DKK 0,00