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Der er i øjeblikket problemer med at gennemføre tilmeldinger. Vi arbejder hårdt på sagen og håber snart at være oppe og køre igen!

3-OBJEKTER: A Play on Self Image

Time: Sunday 26. September 2021 at 19:30 - Sunday 26. September 2021 at 21:30
We are, more than ever, exposing ourselves to the judgement of others, who end up impacting the way we see ourselves. What defines us? What are the effects of a negative self-image?
This topic is at the core of the event, a marriage between contemporary jazz improvised music and the world of theatre. The event will have as protagonist three monologues written by Danish playwright Regina Rex’s monologues inspired by Howard Barker’s play “13 Objects”.
The 3-act performance will accompany the audience on a journey through three different characters’ internal struggles with the way they look, the way they think and their role in an ever-changing society.
These 3 monologues, acted by musical theatre performer Laura Wildt, under the guidance of Icelandic creative director Anna Katrin Einarsdottir, will then be framed by music, resulting in an organic performance.
The music, composed by Anna Bignami, will be interpreted by “The Reticent”. The large jazz ensemble, founded at Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium, strives to become an honourable addition to the local cultural and artistic environment by performing original music assessing topics of high social relevance.
DKK 60 (members of Studenterhus Aarhus)
DKK 80 (non-members)

Member Ticket

DKK 60,00


DKK 80,00