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Concert 29.11.2017 - Duo Paier - Preinfalk

Tidspunkt: onsdag d. 29. november 2017 kl. 19:00

L’ISTITUTO ITALIANO DI CULTURA has the pleasure of inviting you to a concert

presented by the  AUSTRIAN EMBASSY in  Copenhagen

The concert will take place at the Italian Institute of Culture


Wednesday the 29th of November at 19.00

The concert will be followed  by a Vin d’Honneur,  as well as  Meet&Greet with the Artists/Musicians

For the concert the AUSTRIAN EMBASSY kindly offers FREE ADMISSION

however you are kindly asked to register


Wednesday the 29th of November at 19.00h



with their new Program


Polyphonic Jazz Phrasing at its best )



For the artists Jazz means vital improvisation and, above all, the freedom to explore styles and timbres – no matter what shade or colour. In this project, based on their own compositions and excursions into the realm of improvisation, we see a confluence of experience and joy of playing. Both musicians embark on a congenial path, allowing themselves to drift boisterously in the flow of sounds, without neglecting their firm foundation on musically ordered structures. The intersections of style that result are a special kind of fusion. We can see and hear in a way the folklore of  Alpine peoples, the proud melancholy of the Rio de la Plata region, the exuberant inventiveness of the Balkans, and the intricate ornamentation of Arab music,  as well as the pensive revelling of the Klezmer – all these elements blend into a polyphonic jazz phrasing. These seemingly volatile, but in fact profound moments of musical relationship could be referred to as a quest for a common cultural identity. This quest divides and unites the past, present and future in a very complex manner. It forms fragmentary confrontations, at the same time offering creative solutions to apparent contrarieties.