Secret location
HOME OPERA er et moderne og innovativt operakompagni grundlagt i Berlin, der siden dets start i 2013 har leveret ”opera-ud-af-huset” med et ensemble bestående af professionelle sangere og musikere. Repertoiret er en potpourri af kendte og ukendte arier, klassikere og operetter tilsat en god portion humor, glimt i øjet og selvfølgelig kærligheden til opera. Konceptet er enkelt og overraskende; 24 timer før arrangementet løber af stablen, får det tilmeldte publikum besked om den hemmelige adresse, hvor forestillingen vil finde sted.
HOME OPERA is performed in private homes that have a piano, high ceilings, open minds and a little extra room for high notes! The atmosphere is relaxed, intimate and cozy. Grab a cold drink from the kitchen and enjoy it in the soft armchair of your living room, surrounded by the sound of popular and rare opera repertoire, musical hits and other classics, performed by professional singers and musicians with a twist of irony and a spoonful of fun. Our vision is to create a musical experience that appeals to both novices and opera connoisseurs. Our concept is designed to take opera novices by the hand and opera connoisseurs by surprise!