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De danske foreninger i London er gået sammen om at rejse en mindesten i kirkens have for danskere der er faldet i tjeneste for Danmark. 

Arbejdsgruppen består af repræsentanter for Den Danske Garderforening i Storbritannien, Anglo-Danish Society, Danish-UK Association og Den Danske Kirke.

Mindestenen er cirka 1.5 m høj og koster £12.500, som skal indsamles i løbet af de kommende måneder. Det er håbet, at stenen kan indvies ved en gudstjeneste i begyndelsen af maj 2023, tæt på befrielsesdagen. Derefter er det tanken, at der årligt skal være en mindehøjtidelighed i begyndelsen af maj med deltagelse af alle de danske og dansk-engelske organisationer i London.

Vi behøver din støtte for at få stenen rejst og du kan bidrage her.


THEY SHALL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN! - Community funding for a memorial in remembrance of Danes who have fallen in the service of their country.

The Danish community in London are coming together to erect a memorial in remembrance of the Danes who have fallen in the service of their country.

To celebrate their lives and their memory, and to commemorate both civilians and military service personnel, The Anglo-Danish Society, The Danish Church in London, The Danish Royal Guards Association, and the Danish-UK Association will together erect a memorial in the grounds of the Danish Church in London.

The memorial is a stone, approximately 1.5 meters tall and made from granite. The stone will be erected in the garden of the Danish Church in London at a cost of approx £12,500.

We now need your support to buy and erect the memorial. Funds have already been pledged, and in a typical community spirit we all are known for we welcome any support big or small.

We anticipate revealing the memorial on a Sunday near 5th May, Denmark’s Liberation Day, with a Church service, and it is intended that this will become an annual event. More to follow on that.

Please make a donation – just click the link and give generously today.